Jesus said "You WILL be witness of me..." the question is, will you be a good witness because your life reflects who God really is, and will you always have an answer for the hope that is within you; or will you be a false witness, will your life only show the imperfections of all human flesh, and will you be left ashamed when asked about your hope of eternal life? This book is there to show you how to give an answer for your hope of eternal life. This is great; I have finished the introduction - so full of good advice and information that every Christian needs to know. This is another good book for group study. It will surely motivate the student to action. Do you fear reason when it scrutinizes religion? Then you need this book. Find out just who is living in blind and un-reasonable faith. Find out why your faith is reasonable, and how to present the reasons why you believe what you do with a calm and logical approach.
The author makes a statement I think is well worth quoting here: “We are never to attempt to force conversation, or fence someone in so we can preach to them. … We have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts by faith… Beating someone into submission intellectually or physically is sin...God elects his people, we do not.”
But if you want to be a good witness – used of the Holy Spirit to help his elect to find the way to Truth and Life, you need to be prepared. And you can be sure God will use you to glorify his name (reflect his truth, mercy, grace, love, and wisdom) to the world around you, wherever you are, every minute of your life.
This book is a good tool that you will refer back to again and again.